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Yamaha VF225 | Haines Hunter HQ


The VF225 VMAX SHO (Super High Output) has redefined the high-performance outboard market with its ground breaking blend of low weight, incredible power and high-end speed. Purpose-built for the competitive bass fishing market, this 4.6 litre, V6, 24-valve outboard, is also the engine of choice for high-speed adrenalin junkies, skiers and shallow-hull performance enthusiasts. With its great fuel economy, whisper quiet operation and exceptional reliability, this extraordinary engine has made the old two-stroke vs four-stroke argument completely redundant. The VF225 comes with a high-output alternator to run all the necessary electronic accessories and includes Yamaha’s variable trolling control, which allows you to adjust the engine speed up or down in 50 RPM increments to achieve perfect lure presentation speeds. If speed and high-end performance is your thing, then look no further than the VF225.


Engine Type

Four stroke, 24-Valve, DOHC, Direct Action V6 60°

Bore x Stroke (mm)

96 x 96

Displacement (cc)


Recommended Maximum RPM


Fuel Management




Lubrication System


Alternator Output

12V - 50A with Rectifier Regulator

Gear Ratio

1.75 : 1

Starter System


Operation Method

Mechanical control

Trim and Tilt Method

Power Trim & Tilt

Digital Gauges


Command Link Gauges


Standard Features

Want to know more?

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